On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by Parks Australia will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.

The Christmas Island Road Access Board provides updates on road closures on Christmas Island, including seasonal road closures for the annual red crab migration.

Visitor siteStatusComments
Blowholes - Bottom GateOpen
Blowholes - Top GateOpen
Cove AFP Shed - Boat Ramp CarparkOpen
Dales - Bottom GateOpen
Dales - Top GateOpen
East-West BaselineOpen
Golf Course - LinkwaterOpen
Greta/Dolly BeachesOpen
Lilly BeachOpen
Mango Tree Lodge - Golf CourseOpen
Margaret KnollOpen
Murray RoadOpen
Northwest PointOpen
School to DryersOpen
Tai Jin HouseOpen

Red crab migration

Road closures should be expected annually during the red crab migration. This wildlife event takes place between October and February each year and begins with the first rains of the season.

Christmas Island National Park staff prepare for the migration each year and work closely with the Christmas Island community on traffic management.

More information

For more information about Christmas Island National Park call 08 9164 8700 or email christmasislandNP@dcceew.gov.au.