On 28 March 2025 the government assumed a Caretaker role. Information on websites maintained by Parks Australia will be published in accordance with the Guidance on Caretaker Conventions until after the conclusion of the caretaker period.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Is there a travel ban to Christmas Island?

From 8 December 2020, in line with Western Australia’s controlled border arrangements, visitors from Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania can travel to Christmas Island, via Perth, without quarantine or isolation requirements.

All travellers are required to submit an Indian Ocean Territories Travel Request Form for entry into Christmas Island and a G2G Pass for entry/re-entry into Western Australia.

It is important to note that the Indian Ocean Territories (IOTs) of Christmas Island and the Cocos Keeling Islands remain in a State of Emergency until 16 March 2021.

Social distancing measures are being taken on the island including the following:

  • Avoiding large crowds
  • Trying to keep gatherings outdoors where possible
  • Keeping 1.5m between people
  • Washing your hands regularly.

Are there restrictions on access to Christmas Island National Park for those on the island?

No, the park remains open.

Are there any changes to staff operations?

Staff are operating on a business as usual basis with measures in place to ensure social distancing rules are followed.

Has the travel ban to the island impacted on any Parks Australia work?

Several research projects have been put on hold due to the ban on travel to the island for non-essential staff. These include the flying fox project on Christmas Island.

Are Australian citizens still being quarantined on Christmas Island?

All Australian citizens and residents who were in quarantine on the island have now left the island.

Are park staff from Cocos Keeling islands allowed on Christmas Island?

Park staff from Cocos Keeling are considered essential workers and permitted to enter the island.

How will you communicate to the public, community, residents and visitors?

There will be notifications on the Christmas Island National Park website and through Parks Australia social media channels.